Malcolm Beaton

David Dunsford

Writer, scientist and proud Granddad. David Dunford has had his short stories published in the Hampshire View and Local Magazine.

Barbara McMeekin

Barbara won 'Commended' at the Winchester Writing Conference 2009, Writing for Children aged 3-6. She is a retired teacher who enjoys writing for children and short stories. She is currently completing a correspondence course in writing for children.

Group Organiser


Charlotte Comley runs The Writers at Lovedean. She is currently writing her third novel (unpublished). However she had some success in selling non-fiction to several magazines and has won several writing competitions including Winchester Writing Conference 2008, Charlotte was awarded Highly Commended for Children's Literature competition aged 12+.
  Charlotte's non-fiction work has been widely published, in the 'Green Parents'; 'Your Family; 'Your Kids'; 'Take a Break'.
She has also recently won 1st place in an international writing competition with her imaginative sci-fi, zombie, love story you can read her story in Vol 2 issue 1 of Evolutions
She has helped numerous writing groups self-publish souvenir books in the past.
She also juggles her day time job as a Storyteller and being a script editor and script writer on the new radio soap opera 'Conway Street' playing Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's on Express FM

Hear Charlotte on Express FM talking about Conway Street

  You can contact her at:
Or read her blog at: Waiting for a Publishing Deal


We are a lively bunch of writers, who are all enthusiastic about our own various projects; including novels, short stories, children's literature and poetry.

We meet every Friday at 10 o'clock at Lovedean Village Hall.

An eclectic group from various backgrounds, and skill levels. Some just enjoy writing for the pleasure, some looking to get published.

As a group we look to produce a souvenir book every year. All our members are encouraged to get their work in the book.

New members are always welcome

Come along to see us and you'll always get a warm welcome

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